Psychological formulation: a radical perspective

Johnstone, Lucy Clare (2011) Psychological formulation: a radical perspective. [Doctorate by public works]


The theme of this context statement is psychological formulation, which can be defined as a summary of a client’s difficulties, based on psychological theory, and informing the intervention. Within this context statement, I will demonstrate how I have contributed to the development of psychological formulation theoretically and clinically in the following areas:

- Co-editing the first book on psychological formulation to take a critical and reflective overview of formulation in different therapeutic traditions (Public Works 4.2.1 and 4.2.2).

- Developing an innovative model for teaching formulation to clinical psychology trainees (PW 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.).

- Developing and delivering workshops on integrative formulation, locally, nationally and for the Division of Clinical Psychology (PW 4.2.3).

- Developing the practice of team formulation in my own clinical work, in both inpatient and outpatient settings (PW 4.3.1.).

- Developing workshops and training in team formulation for teams and wards (PW 4.3.2.).

- Supervising research into formulation (PW 4.3.3.).

- Generally promoting the use of formulation for culture change among clinical psychologists, mental health professionals and service user groups by my writing and public speaking (PW 4.4.1, 4.4.2.).

Volume 1 Part 1 contains a summary of the Public Works, a timeline, and an introduction to the concept of formulation, with examples.

Volume 1 Part 2 outlines the personal and professional background to my interest in formulation, with reference to key publications, achievements, influences and challenges during
my career.

Volume 1 Part 3 describes the Public Works, the knowledge and skills which underpin them, how I have applied them in the field of Adult Mental Health, and the impact they have had on theory and clinical practice. I will draw on four main areas of Public Works in more or less chronological sequence. The majority were produced over the time period 2006-2010, although some of the clinical work at Southmead Hospital, Bristol (2004-2006) precedes this, as does some of the work on the Formulation Theme of the Bristol Clinical Psychology Doctorate (2001- 2010.) I will conclude with a critical reflection on the whole area of formulation and some plans for developing the work further.

Volume 1 Part 4 contains examples of the Public Works. Throughout the context statement, I will demonstrate and provide evidence for advanced conceptual understanding, professional knowledge and collaboration, and critical evaluation of this leading edge area of clinical practice. Vol 1 parts 2 and 3 have been revised and extended to take account of feedback from the Registration Panel.

Supplementary information will be submitted in boxfiles, as follows: Volume 2 boxfiles (unbound) will contain further examples of Public Works and evidence of impact.

Volume 3 boxfiles (unbound) will contain examples of general background work and additional evidence of impact.

Context statement
Justification statement for Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Public works.pdf - Accepted Version

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