Items where Subject is "Therapists as Research Practitioners"
- Institute Subjects (89)
- Therapists as Research Practitioners (26)
Bager-Charleson, S and McBeath, A.G (2021) Containment, compassion and clarity: Mixed-methods research into supervision during doctoral research for psychotherapists and counselling psychologists. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal..
Bager-Charleson, S and McBeath, A.G (2020) Enjoying Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 978-3-030-55126-1
Bager-Charleson, S, McBeath, A.G and Vostanis, P (2021) Building Bridges with Mixed Methods Research? Editorial for Special section. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2021 (1): 1.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2016) Creative and Effective use of self in research. Issue 62:16. UKCP: The Psychotherapist. The Psychotherapist.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2020) Doing Qualitative Research. In: Enjoying Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2017) Emotionally Attuned Research. Hands-on seminars for therapists to enhance practice through research. Research Academy Seminars 2017. In: Research Academy 2017, 2017, Metanoia Institute, London.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2016) Practice-based research in therapy – a reflexive approach. Sage, London.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2021) Research Academy 2022. Enjoying Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The Researcher Self, Diversity and Innovation. In: Research Academy 2022: Enjoying Research, 25th February 2022, Metanoia Institute.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2019) “She was on my side, and grounded me when I needed it:” Research supervision in the field of therapy, based on counsellors’ and psychotherapists’ views on their engagement with research. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1473-3145
Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2020) Therapists as Research-informed Practitioners (TRP). Project Report. Metanoia Institute.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie, Dewaele, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Costa, Beverley and Kasap, Zeynep (2017) A Multilingual Outlook: Can Awareness-Raising about Multilingualism Affect Therapists’ Practice? A Mixed-Method Evaluation. Language and Psychoanalysis, 6 (2). pp. 56-75. ISSN 2049324X
Bager-Charleson, Sofie and Kasap, Zeynep (2017) Embodied situatedness and emotional entanglement in research - An autoethnographic hybrid inquiry into the experience of doing data analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 17 (3). pp. 190-200. ISSN 14733145
Bager-Charleson, Sofie and McBeath, A.G (2020) Enjoying Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie and McBeath, A.G (2020) Enjoying Research: Introduction. Considering Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. In: Enjoying Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie, McBeath, A.G, du Plock, Simon and Adams, Marie (2020) Becoming a Research Practitioner: A meta-synthesis. EJQRP, 2020) (2020)): 2020) Vol.. 2020) Vol. 10, 93-109.
Bager-Charleson, Sofie, McBeath, A.G and van Rijn, B (2021) Relational Research Supervision for Doctoral Psychotherapy Research. [Teaching Resource]
Bager-Charleson, Sofie and McBeath, AG (2021) What support do therapists need to do research? A review of studies into how therapists experience research. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal. ISSN capr.1243
Bager-Charleson, Sofie, McBeath, AG and Vostanis, Panos (2019) Counselling and psychotherapy research special section: What core knowledge is needed to be a therapist. Editorial introduction. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal. ISSN DOI: 10.1002/capr.12246
Bager-Charleson, Sofie, McBeath, Alistair and Plock, Simon Du (2018) The relationship between psychotherapy practice and research: A mixed-methods exploration of practitioners’ views. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 19 (3). pp. 195-205. ISSN 14733145
Blunden, N (2020) “And we are a human being”. Coproduced re ections on person‐centred psychotherapy in plural and dissociative identity. Psychotherapy and Politics International.
du Plock, Simon (2019) International Developments: Theory, Practice, and Research. Introduction. In: The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 505-509.
du Plock, Simon and Tantam, Digby (2019) History of Existential-Phenomenological Therapy. In: The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 133-153.
Gaitanidis, Anastasios (2019) Building bridges between psychoanalysis and music. British Journal of Music Therapy (BJMT).
McBeath, A.G, Bager-Charleson, Sofie and Abarbanel, A (2019) Therapists and Academic Writing: “Once upon a time psychotherapy practitioners and researchers were the same people”. European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy.
McBeath, Alistair, Du Plock, Simon and Bager-Charleson, Sofie (2018) Therapists Have a lot to Add to the Field of Research, but Many Don’t Make it There: A Narrative Thematic Inquiry into Counsellors’ and Psychotherapists’ Embodied Engagement with Research. Language and Psychoanalysis, 7 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2049-324X
Sabucedo, Pablo, Evans, Chris, Gaitanidis, Anastasios and Hayes, Jacqueline (2020) When experiences of presence go awry: A survey on psychotherapy practice with the ambivalent‐to‐distressing ‘hallucination’ of the deceased. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research Practice.